I loved this discussion with John Gray and the other experts on the topical issue of phones and relationships. Watch this video to get informed.
I’ll do the Happy Dance if you share this video with your friends.
To recap what the experts said:
- 90% of communication is non-verbal, so you may be missing those body expressions as clues to what’s really going on in your dating and love life.
- More and more, couples are not engaging with each other because they are distracted by their phones. For quality relationships, turn your phone off during meals.
- In this hyper world of technology, our brains are over stimulated. The result is shorter attention spans. To counter problematic effects of this, have a practice of getting centered and quieting the mind.
- Use your phone to be ‘Love in Action’. Use it as the vehicle to have fun with your partner by sending short, loving and sexy texts. Bigger conversations should always be in person.
Questions for all of you beautiful people (and some honest answers from me):
- How many hours per day do you spend on your phones?
Me? Probably about 2-4 and even more when I’m doing phone sessions with clients. By 7 PM, I tend to turn it off. 
- Does it come out during mealtime?
I’m guilty of this sometimes. There have been occasions where my kids have asked me to turn it off, and, I’m glad that they spoke up.
- Have you ever used your phone to go out or break up with someone?
Me? No, but it seems to be a fairly common practice in the dating world these days.
- Do you sext with your partner?
Me? Absolutely! So much fun!! 
Go ahead and reply to this email and give me your answers. I promise that I will respond to each of you.